Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Once, the Fourth of July was grand

Whatever happened to the Fourth of July?

Once that day that brought out the patriotic spirit in so many. We can remember parades and flags flying just about everywhere.

It was a holiday for everyone to take notice of and why it was being celebrated. It was drummed into our heads as children why we were to be proud to be born in America.

It wasn’t just another summer holiday. It was a time for a family get-together, not just immediate family, but a reunion of all the family. A huge picnic dinner followed games with prizes awarded. It was a time for the red, white, and blue paper streamers over the tables, little ribbons for the girls’ hair and tack pins for the men to wear on their collars.
Everyone enjoyed the day, and the anticipation of the evening fireworks. The men in the family collected a wide variety of fireworks to make the spectacular display.

But we go to parks, lakes, shopping malls and other places to see the grand displays. And, then get tied up in traffic to coming home. You sit in your cars and don’t have the old-fashioned camaraderie of your friends and relatives in your backyard after all the oohs and aahs were over.

World War II came along and, with gas rationing and the men in the service, the picnics and fireworks were on a smaller scale or ended altogether.

The patriotism was still there and families had smaller picnics and smaller fireworks displays. Then New York state banned home fireworks because of accidents.

Flags still fly and we realize why we celebrate the Fourth.

When we had our 200th birthday, the patriotic spark was rekindled and bells rang, grand displays of fireworks were held all over the country and the spirit made the public take off again and there was a renewing of our birthright.
But we have sort of regressed again.

Aside from a few large fireworks displays, there is little said of our country’s birthday.

Have you asked a little child why we celebrate this day?

Why not start a trend and serve a birthday cake decorated with red, white and blue frosting with one huge candle in the middle?

There are many decorations available.

Certainly that draw in the children, who’d wonder whose birthday you were celebrating.

Some still celebrate Independence Day in the good old fashioned way. We have noticed families who’ve kept their traditions alive.

If you care to watch fireworks, you so not have to leave your yard.

Turn on the TV and watch the National Symphony Orchestra on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

You will enjoy great music, fireworks and the sound of the cannon firing off the gun salute.
It gives me goose bumps each year as I watch it on the PBS station.

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