Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer finally arrives

We’ve waited for months and months, but finally summer is here.

You can smell the charcoal burning as he cooks steaks, burgers, chicken, hot dogs, sausage, peppers, onions and shish kabobs and all of that good stuff. When you are hungry and working outside and your neighbor has his grill going with all of that fine food you want to go over for a visit and perhaps he will offer you something. For that matter during the winter months you sometimes catch the scent of food if your neighbor had the garage door up and was cooking on the grill. Some folks don’t ever give up on grilled food.

But, most of us have waited all of those long winter months for this beautiful summer. When it there was sleet, snow, blizzards and cold wet slop, we kept telling ourselves it’s all going to change – summer will return. Well, it’s here!

Don’t you love going to farmers’ markets and fruit stands? The other day I went bonkers. The homegrown peas were in. Don’t you just love boiled new potatoes and homegrown peas? There were also green onions, homegrown radishes and sweet corn (not homegrown yet- but soon). There are plenty of melons, cantaloupe, string beans, cherries, peaches, apricots, nectarines and strawberries. We have had out-of-state strawberries practically all winter, but homegrown strawberries are the sweetest and the best.

You take a basket of homegrown strawberries, wash and hull them. Take a whole berry, dip it in sugar and pop it in your mouth. Yum!

We have a recipe for shortbread biscuits in which you put an egg and a pinch of sugar in the batter which we like to use. They are just great eaten warm with strawberries spooned all over the top and real butter and strawberries together with real whipped cream all those long winter days are forgotten and you just enjoy.

Did you attend a Fourth of July picnic? Isn’t all of that packing, running back and forth to the house to be sure you have everything and the frazzle on the nerves, getting the kids organized in order to get to the pool or swimming park worth it? Be sure you have everything including the catsup, mustard, salt, pepper and all the extras that sometimes get forgotten when you are sure you have the main foodstuffs.

I’m not a water person, but I do love to go and sit and watch the people. Are you a people watcher? I can spend hours in that pastime. They come in all shapes, size, color and type, you know. Myself included. Sunday at the beach can give you pure relaxation, visiting with whomever is sitting next to you and just watching the styles, color coordinations and especially the variety of hats.

And is there anything like having a game of bocce ball, Frisbee, tennis or going 18 holes of golf and coming to the clubhouse for a long, tall, cool drink?

It’s summer – enjoy it and bottle up some of this fun for those months when we can only discuss all of the fun we are having now! Bless it all and you all.

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